ooking for a job but want it to be remote? Although it may seem impossible to get one, especially with the demand for online jobs, you just need to prove why you’ll be the best candidate for the role you’re pursuing, just like any other job! Remember always to have your resume ready and updated with all your achievements to present to your future employer. This blog will teach you exactly how to secure that remote job you’ve been wanting!
Resume Preparation
A Polished and Updated Resume Is Necessary
If you want to get the desired job, you’ll always have to make sure you have a good resume. When you’re starting to build your resume, you may want to find a template that will help sort everything out for you in a business-like manner. This way, employers will see an organized, well-written version of who you are and what achievements you’ve made!
With these templates, you’ll be able to truly show what you’ve done and who you’ve worked for in a clear manner for a manager to read through. This is just the first step in acquiring the job of your dreams! Make sure to always add years of experience to every job or activity you’ve been in and any achievements you think are necessary to mention for the role you’ll be applying for!

The Reason You’re Applying for a Remote Job
Think About Why You Need This Job
Since remote work is very different from office work, you’ll want to ask yourself why you want a remote job. Whether that’s because you prefer being at home more than in an office or you just want to travel, you should know since this could be a long-term job.
You’ll also want to remember that there’s a lot less human interaction while you’re working at home since it’s online, and if that’s something you would prefer, then securing a remote job is likely the right fit for you! But, if you love being with coworkers and interacting with others in an office setting, you may want to rethink your priorities, especially if this is the job you’ve been looking for. There are a lot of people that are probably going for the same position as you as well, so it’s best to know if it’s the right fit or not even before starting the application process.

The Process Of Applying to Remote Jobs
Know All The Application Sites
Since the process of finding a remote position doesn’t really involve any in-person applications or interviews, you’ll want to know the sites that’ll help you secure the job of your dreams! Some great sites that offer remote positions include:
- LinkedIn. As the world’s largest professional network on the internet, it is great for helping job seekers find the exact fit for what they want, need and deserve. The application and site allow you to type in your information, including your resume, which makes it easier for companies to find and hire you since all your work information and achievements are attached to your profile. By using this application, you’re allowed to follow whomever you’d like, post job updates, and even post about what type of job you’re looking for. That way, employers know whether or not you want a remote job, and by following others, you’ll be able to grow your own network of people, which can really help to secure a job!
- Indeed. Another great online platform for finding remote jobs is Indeed. This website allows you to search for specific positions and apply to them directly with a resume and application!
- ZipRecruiter. This online platform allows you to use a search engine and find jobs to apply to in just one click. Just like Indeed and LinkedIn, it’ll help you narrow down the search for the remote job you’ve been pursuing!
- Monster. This easy-to-use site will allow job seekers to find the employment they need, especially since the area is one of the biggest job sites in the world.
- Flexjobs. This number 1 job search site for hand-screened flexible and remote jobs since 2007 is also a great option to find some remote work. It’ll allow you to research and find the best types of remote jobs you’re looking for!
By using any or all of these sites, you’ll already be on track to your remote job!

Get The Job!
The Last Step
Now that you’ve been through the resume and searching process, all you need to do is get the interview and the job! Since you’ve already gone through every step in the process, all you need to do is prepare for the interview, which you can start doing by practicing the answers to any questions they may ask. Some of these questions may include:
- What are you looking for from this job?
- What can you tell us about yourself?
- What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?
- Why do you want this position, and what made you want to apply?
Just by practicing and reviewing these questions, you’ll be able to get a better feel of what they may want to hear from you, and you’ll be able to know what you need to say in order to get the role! You may also be asked managerial or leadership interview questions most especially if you're applying for a higher position
Also, remember to ask any questions you may have so that the employer knows you’re invested and interested in what they have to say about their company.
If a remote job is a right fit for you, be sure to do your research on what type of remote job you’ll want, whether that’s one with lots of Zoom meetings or one with a lot of your own work. With whichever one suits you better, hopefully, this article has helped you get prepared for an interview and job execution! Now go on out there and do your job from home or from anywhere else in the world!