hen you are a teenager, people always tell you that acne is just a phase and that it will disappear when you become an adult. Still, you go to dermatologists, you take pills, and you try out every single kind of face wash until it eventually goes away and you think that you are finally free.
However, adult acne exists and it is there to remind us that some battles require us to keep fighting for a little longer. Even though it is stressful and you will often question why this is happening to you when you thought you were done dealing with acne, there are multiple reasons why adults get acne and the important thing is to know that you can get rid of them.

1. What to Avoid When Treating Adult Acne
Even though you might feel tempted to touch, pop, and pick your acne, you should avoid it at all costs. It is undeniable that once you start breaking out, you just want to get rid of your acne, but doing any of these things will actually worsen your acne and probably lead to scarring. The truth is that you should actually avoid touching your face altogether unless you are applying products to it because your fingers carry several types of bacteria that can clog your pores and actually trigger your breakouts. It does not matter how satisfying it is to pop your pimples, at the end of the day it is better to deal with them the proper way than live with scars for the rest of your life.

2. Face Mask Care
Even though this may cause some confusion, the idea of face masks have become more associated with COVID-19 then with skincare. Nonetheless, we are living in unprecedented times and the chances are that face masks will be sticking around for a while, whether we like it or not. Some people may have noticed and some are yet to notice, but wearing a face mask can affect your skin and be the reason behind why you have been getting so many breakouts ever since the pandemic started.
Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are wearing the appropriate kind of mask in order to prevent not only the spread and infection by COVID-19, but also the worsening of your skin problems. The more adequate kind of face masks for acne prone skin would be cotton because it is soft and breathable, which does not irritate the skin. You should also remember to wash your face mask after each use either by hand or in a washing machine depending on the mask. The cleaner you keep your mask and the softer its fabric, the less it will affect your skin. Source.
3. Wash Your Face
Whether you are breaking out or not, it is crucial that you know how to properly wash your face and that you have the right products for your skin type. Some people may prefer to use washcloths, but the most ideal would be to wash your hands and then use your fingers to wash your face. More importantly, even though hot water can be used to help unclog pores it does more harm than good to your skin. Not only cold water can feel refreshing but it does not irritate your skin or lead to breakouts.
You should wash your face not less or more than twice a day: once in the morning and once before you go to bed. If you have makeup on, you should remove your makeup and then wash your face with a cleanser. There are many options available for face cleansers for different skin types and you can often find them at places like Sephora, Ulta, and Target.
4. Toner
A Toner can be either a cleanser or a lotion, but regardless of what type you use, what really matters is that you add it to your skincare routine. A toner is used in order to help not only unclog, but also diminish the size of your pores. It refreshes your skin while adding moisture to it at the same time. There are four different types of toners: fresheners, skin tonics, acid tonics, and astringents but in order to know which type is best for your skin you should seek the help of a professional. Still, toners are crucial in the maintenance of your skin health and in the treatment/prevention of adult acne. They can also be found at Sephora, Ulta, and Target.
5. Moisturizer
Although the idea of moisturizing your skin may seem like the last thing you should do in order to get rid of your acne, it is actually the complete opposite. A moisturizer is necessary in order to keep your skin well hydrated and balanced, which helps to prevent breakouts. A hydrated skin is a healthy skin and there are several types of moisturizers out there. After all, everyone can get acne whether they have dry, oily, or sensitive skin. Still, you should make sure that the type of moisturizer you choose is adequate to your skin and specially that it can be used on blemish prone skin. The right moisturizer can make all the difference and keep your skin feeling fresh during the summer and hydrated during the winter. Source.
6. SPF
Not only is SPF of extreme importance to our daily lives in order to prevent skin cancer and any other types of diseases caused by UV rays exposure, it is also important to prevent acne as well. The sun affects our skin in many ways and one of those ways is by causing breakouts. Therefore, SPF is necessary in order to not only prevent acne, but also treat it as it prevents the skin from becoming too oily.
However, you must be able to pick the best kind of SPF to your skin as the wrong one can actually make things worse. Make sure that the type that you pick can be used on the face and that it has the right amount of SPF. There are even SPF brands which offer different colors so you can match your skin tone and it is perfect for the days when you don’t have time to do your makeup.

7. Pore Strips
Pore strips have gained some fame over the last few years and people often have mixed opinions about whether or not they are good to you. Either way, they are extremely helpful when it comes to removing black heads and making you feel refreshed and as if you have just gotten a facial cleaning. There are several different types of pore strips out there ranging from nose strips to T-zone strips and a mix of both. There are scented types and charcoal types, the chances are that you will find just the type that you love and that works perfectly for you.
Even though you shouldn’t use pore strips everyday, you should use them every week or at least every other week. Some known brands are Biore and Peace Out, but most of them can be found at TJ Maxx, Sephora, Ulta, and Target.
8. Face Masks
From unicorns to clay there are countless types of face masks out there to help you take care of your skin while allowing you to have fun as well. There is a reason why face masks are so popular and it is not just because it is fun to post pictures wearing them on social media, but because they actually work. It is impossible to think about getting rid of adult acne and not thinking about trying at least one face mask.
There are no doubts that it can be overwhelming to pick the right type of face mask for your skin, but you should stick to the kinds labeled towards blemish prone skin as well as to products which are naturally based. There is nothing better than the feeling on your skin after a face mask and you probably will get addicted to it, but face masks should not be used daily unless it says otherwise as they can irritate your skin.

9. Self-care
Make sure to take the time to care for yourself as a lot of times acne is closely linked to stress. There are little things which you can do for yourself that can help your acne as well such as weekly cleaning your pillowcases, sheets, towels, and anything else that touches your skin. There are even certain types of pillowcases which help prevent acne and promote healthy sleeping patterns. Some people have found that certain types of facial mists help diminish breakouts and can also be sprayed onto pillowcases. Eating a healthy and consistent diet as well as doing physical activities can help you destress and the effects can be perceived on your skin as well.
10. Look for Professional Help
Even though there are many things which you can do on your own in order to get rid of adult acne, the only person who will be able to tell you what is the best treatment for your acne is a doctor. Whether you go to a dermatologist, a gynecologist if you are a woman or an endocrinologist if you are a man, you must look for professional advice so you can get the best treatment possible. However, remember to maintain a consistent skincare routine and to make sure that you are using products that are right for your type of skin and to let your doctor know about them.