Moving into an apartment is a big commitment that can free you in so many ways. You're able to decorate the space in a way that reflects your personality, eat whatever food you want to eat, stay up however late- it is a big step! Before you take the leap you should cover all of the bases to ensure that everything will go as smoothly as possible. 

What our guide will cover:

  • How to prepare before moving
  • What essentials you should buy 
  • Navigating the big day

Before You Get The Keys 

Depending on the journey that you are on and your unique circumstances, moving out to create your own space is a thrilling experience but it should be executed by following the proper steps!

Research, Research, Research!

Thoroughly and we mean thoroughly research into the apartment that you may be interested in applying for. Learn about the landlord and if there are any testimonials from previous tenants that can enlighten you on whether or not the facility would be a good fit for you. Being trapped in a lease is dreadful so get as much information as you can on the apartment!

Since the apartment is not the only place that you will be spending time at, knowing more about the surrounding neighborhood should factor into your final decision. Take note of how far essential facilities are located (such as grocery stores or a hospital) and if your commute to work will be impacted if you do not work from home. 


Create a monthly budget for your expenses  once you are living in the apartment. Consistently updating your budget to reflect your income will have you prepared and knowing where your money is going. Financial preparedness can also help you in a time of need and unfortunately these times can happen when we least expect it. It could be a bug infestation or a bursted pipe that needs to be handled quickly and is costly. Having that safety net of funds available for a dire time relieves the stress of being able to still afford other necessities. Owning renters insurance can offer additional aid if your safety net and apartment complex can only cover so much! 

Change of Address 

Don’t forget to update the address linked to your drivers license, bank cards, and bills! It is essential for maintaining communication for legal and emergency matters. 

Is Hiring A Moving Service Worth It?

Yes and no, it entirely depends on your budget and needs. Of course you need your belongings moved to the apartment you choose but why would hiring a moving company be worth it? The company would do all of the heavy lifting while transporting your items from point A to point B. This can make a huge difference in the process if you are physically unable to accomplish this or your budget cannot cover the hefty cost. A hiring company can charge anywhere from several hundred dollars to several thousand depending on the season, volume of items to be moved, and distance between the locations. 

Shopping around to see which hiring company offers the best deal can give you a perspective on the current market. The downside to going this route runs the risk of your possessions being damaged in the process and the costs that would come with it. While some companies may boast their expertise in safely handling your belongings, we are only human and accidents can happen. Either the risk can be accepted and you hire a reputable company with an acceptable insurance policy or you can call up your crew of friends and family to put in the work! This could be more comfortable for you knowing that you have control over the entire process. 

What To Buy 

 Chalkboard sign with white writing on it. 
Buying essentials for your apartment from local stores can help your new community! 

For the sake of sustainability and not overspending, sort through all of your belongings and organize them. Moving is the perfect time to donate extraneous items that you don’t necessarily need anymore and would only add weight to the move--such as that sweater you bought five years ago and have been saving for a special event… might be time to say goodbye!

Make a list of items that you will need to buy while you are going through everything that you own. Focus on purchasing essential items such as towels or cleaning products that will be used frequently. Once you move into your apartment you can slowly decorate it over a longer period of time instead of spending a lot of money at once for decor. Creating an inspiration board on Pinterest of your ideal apartment can guide you in the right direction too! That way you can direct your funds towards necessities for the beginning of the journey and get used to your new environment and lifestyle! 

Living Room Essentials 

A lot of time is spent in the living room so the atmosphere has to be *perfect* for optimal coziness. 


  • A comfy couch with a pullout bed for guests, this is a great option for those with a smaller floor plan that doesn't have spare rooms. 
  • Lighting fixtures such as a lamp that has varying levels of light.
  • A rug 
  • Deliciously soft throw blankets and pillows 
  • Television and stand.
  • Vacuum cleaner 

We are big fans of adding floating shelves to the walls that can elevate the overall space and provide you with extra surfaces to show off your pictures or various treasures. 

Bedroom Essentials 

  • Mattress, box frame, and a bed frame.
  • Comforter and sheets
  • Pillows
  • Lighting fixtures 
  • Storage space (dresser)
  • Mirror
  • Laundry basket 
  • Decorations that make you feel right at home!

Kitchen Essentials 

This one's a doozy… you don’t realize just how many things are within a kitchen until you either have to move them all or stock an empty kitchen with them. Swallow a mouthful and not the ocean and prioritize the kitchen items that are absolutely necessary for the early stages of living at your new apartment. No matter how tempting a Le Cresuet bake set is, sticking to the budget is crucial! 

  • Plates
  • Bowls 
  • Utensils 
  • Skillet
  • Towels 
  • Dish drying rack 
  • Dish soap 
  • Cutting board 
  • Cups and mugs 
  • Toaster 
  • Measuring cups 
  • Rice cooker 
  • Trash can

The list could go on forever but this is a good start! 

What Else?

Towels, mats, and soaps will most likely be needed for the bathroom as well. Right now you might be overwhelmed while trying to think about everything you need but take a moment to pause and breathe. Other than the typical necessities needed for everyday life, can you think of anything else that you as a unique individual may need? 

You know best but here are a few ideas to help:

  • Yoga mat 
  • Cord management system 
  • Curtains 
  • White noise machine for loud neighbors
  • Oil diffuser  

The Big Day

Two people high-fiving over a cardboard box.
Caption: Phone a friend or a few to make moving a more seamless process. A moving company can also take the heavy load off your shoulders. 

It’s finally the day that you have been working towards and ultimately dreaming of, congratulations are in order! Before the big move is in action, pack some snacks and drinks to keep you and your crew healthy as you embark on this next chapter. Once everything is moved into your new place take a moment to soak it in- even take some pictures! Aside from fun pictures to commemorate this special moment, take pictures and videos of the entire apartment to document its condition prior to you moving in. This documentation will support you in the event of a meticulous landlord or when you need your security deposit back when you decide to move elsewhere.

Once that is done it is time to make the space feel like a home! Unpack your belongings systematically based on priority and functionality. Starting in the rooms that will be used quickly such as the bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen. Unpacking is a long process so scheduling breaks throughout the day is a must! Remember those snacks and drinks you packed earlier in the day? Now would be a good time to grab them. 

If you happen to own pets, moving to a new space with unfamiliar scents and sounds may spook them a bit. To ensure that their moving process is as seamless as possible, set up their own items before officially welcoming them to the apartment. Once they are introduced to their new home it may be scary at first but they will instantly recognize their own scent from their toys or bed and that will give them that much needed comfort. 

Moving into your first apartment is so exciting, nerve wracking, and a beautiful journey. With support from those around you and resources online, the whole process is totally feasible. We hope that our humble guide was able to bring you comfort in this big step that you are taking! 

May 3, 2024