he 20s are an exciting yet confusing time. A lot changes during this time, between growing more and more independent throughout college or working your first full-time job, possibly moving somewhere to start a brand new career, and the relationships that you have in your life. There are always jokes thrown around on social media about how some people in their early 20s are getting married, while some are still living at home with their families figuring out a next move. Some people in their late 20s are already focusing on a family, and some are full-speed-ahead on their career. It can be such a time for comparison, but it does not have to be, and it should not be. Because guess what? If you are in any of the places mentioned above, or literally any other space of life during your 20s, that is OK. It’s more than OK.
Let’s get real for a second: this is such a time for ups and downs, and if you are feeling that way, you are not alone. So much can change in our lives in just one year, let alone an entire decade!
The 20s are full of firsts for everyone, but no matter what path you are on, you are going to want to set some goals. And just like the 20s themselves, goals vary for different people -- vary in the time it will take to accomplish goals, in the steps that go into those goals, even in the actual goals themselves. That is because your goals need to be personal to YOU. If goal-setting is something you struggle with, you are definitely not alone. Take a look at these goals for your 20s, take what resonates with you, and create goals that fit into your own life.
Learn how to set goals

By the time you are in your 20s, you have probably been asked about your goals before. Like, a lot. What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in five years? What is your dream job? What is your New Year’s resolution?
Those questions are often overwhelming, but the truth is that they are so vague and hard to answer, regardless of how much you have thought about your goals. You might have some ideas about your goals floating around your mind, which is great! But an even better way to keep yourself on track is by writing down your goals -- that goes for both short and long-term goals. It's nice to have something to refer to down the line if you want to keep track of your goals or see which ones you’ve met. Spoiler alert: it’s completely normal and common and OK if you don’t reach all of the goals on your list. Plus, who doesn’t love checking off something on a list? So satisfying.
If you’re someone who needs a little bit more structure to plan out your goals, that’s cool, too -- try setting SMART goals. Smart Goals are:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Timely
This format offers you more of a framework to really lay out all of the specific, intricate details of your goals. SMART goals really help to keep you on track, and allow you to see a little bit of a roadmap to the end goal!
Open a savings account
Finance goals can seem a little bit daunting. One of the best and maybe most important finance goals to set in your 20s is to open a savings account. You might be choosing to save for something specific (a trip, a house, or a luxury item) or just for future needs in general. Either way, a savings account is great to have!
The standard recommendation for growing your savings is putting in 20% of each paycheck -- however, 10% might be a great place to start if you are just getting your account off the ground. Little by little, you will grow your savings account!
Budget, budget, budget!
You are also going to want to budget and keep track of what you are spending on rent and groceries, but also leave enough to enjoy dinner and drinks with friends. When you budget, you are able to see how much you can actually get out of your income, and you're left with funds to cover unexpected costs that may pop up.
First, you need to figure out your income, and maybe set some financial goals or methods of tracking your spending (which you now know how to do -- thanks, SMART goals!). There are also a lot of budgeting apps, resources, and existing frameworks that can help make your life a whole lot easier.
Try new recipes

Your 20s may be your first time living out on your own. Maybe you don’t know how to cook very many meals beyond the standard Kraft Mac and Cheese, grilled cheese sandwich, or simple pasta dish. Guess what? So many people are in the same boat! But your 20s are a great time to learn new recipes to add to your repertoire and learn your way around the kitchen -- you will be a pro, cooking recipes from memory in no time. From brownies to burgers, there are some simple staples we recommend learning!
Invest in self-care

Being an independent adult is hard enough to deal with, on top of the stress that sometimes comes along with work, relationships, and keeping track of your finances. Don’t forget to invest in YOU. Just because this is a time for newfound responsibilities, that does not mean that your interests and hobbies need to go out the window. You need to take care of you!
Whether it’s a yoga class or an at home workout whenever you can fit it in, even just 30 minutes of exercise is good for the mind, body, and soul -- and a great way to stay off technology and just breathe for a few minutes. Reading a book or journaling are other excellent self-care activities, basically designed just to get you out of your own head and destress! Most of all, make time for your favorite hobbies, favorite movies, and time to take care of yourself and recharge.
Oh, and don’t forget to treat yourself to your favorite meal or fancy coffee drink every now and then! You deserve it.
Keep loved ones close

This might not seem like a physical goal you can set. It may seem weird to write down something like “2021 Goals: Keep loved ones close,” in your journal or the notes section of your phone. This entry on our list isn’t to make you feel like a bad friend or family member -- quite the opposite!
For the first time, you might be living far away from the closest people in your life at some point in your 20s. It can get lonely, and even just a check in text or call to your favorite people can turn a whole day around. It’s fun to meet new people, but the people who know you and have been through things with you cannot be replaced. We get busy in our 20s, so if this is a goal you need to write down and set for yourself, only good can come from it.
But also, put yourself out there!
And while the people who know you best are irreplaceable, going out and meeting new people is an essential part of being in your 20s. If you’re hitting it off with some friends or a potential date when you’re out socializing, don’t be afraid to get their number or social media handle, keep in touch, and make plans or check in later! Of course, as long as you are being cautious and feel safe doing so.
This can actually apply to your professional life, too. We’re often taught that there is only one way to be, sound, and act like a professional. There are certain channels we are expected to go through to get where we want to be in our career, and while that advice is important and good, there are exceptions. If you are interested in a job or an internship, but there is not a formal opening, reach out and show them who you are, and what you can do. Even if they don’t have what you are looking for right now, that’s someone to add to your network -- on LinkedIn and in life! If you want that promotion, show them why you deserve it and go get it -- it’s time to start asking for what we want in our 20s!
You never know what friendships or opportunities can come your way when you allow yourself to be open to people.
Be open to change

Speaking of being open, it can be hardest with change. There is often a lot of pressure to set detailed goals with hard deadlines -- hey, even we mentioned SMART goals earlier. But as much as SMART goals and other aspirations are very important -- as is keeping track and staying on track -- life happens. There is no reason to be hard on yourself if you find you need to push back the time it takes to reach your goals, or if your goals themselves change over time. You could be introduced to an opportunity you had never imagined would come your way, not even in your wildest dreams. It could be a dream job or the opportunity to move to your favorite city. Do you accept that offer even if it throws your long-term goals a little off track?
Absolutely! If you are open and pulled to that opportunity, why wait?
Don’t compare yourself to others
These are all fantastic goals to set, but this one is arguably the most important. Like we said, the 20s are a vastly different time for everyone -- so much can change in those years. There are ups and downs every day, whether that’s in college, in your career, in your friendships, or your romantic relationships. Every person is on their own path, and that’s great. That’s what makes your 20s (and all of life, honestly) so great -- everyone is unique with their own sense of identity and interests.
While all of these goals may not directly apply to your life currently, hopefully you got some ideas about how to set goals, or maybe saw some things in a new light. So get after it. Grab your journal, write down your goals, and start making your 20s the best years of your life!