C fans are probably the most patient comic-book fans out there. Four years after the theatrical release of the DC Extended Universe’s “Justice League” movie, patched-up by director Joss Whedon after Zack Snyder took a leave of absence after a family tragedy, the original “Snyder Cut” has made its debut on HBO Max.
And what a debut it was, HBO Max had a reported 64% increase in app downloads due to interest in the Snyder Cut. So, the fans have succeeded it seemed in their well-founded patience.
But, if you’re still yearning for more DC content after watching the movie don’t fear, there are plenty of DC comics that could scratch that justice league itch, many of which inspired the movie!
For those who have developed a newfound love for DC characters and want to dive deeper into their stories, exploring an online comic book store can be an excellent option. These digital platforms offer a vast collection of DC comics, ranging from iconic classics to the latest releases.
Read down below for six DC comics for lovers of the Snyder Cut, from the adventures of the JLA themselves or characters long denied a spotlight on-screen until the recent release.
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Justice League: Origin
- Superman: Red Son
- Cyborg: Rebirth
- The Darkseid War
- Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Injustice: Gods Among Us
You might be scratching your head on this one if you’re not super familiar with the DC video games. A comic prequel to the DC equivalent of Mortal Kombat? Hold your skepticism, not only is Injustice one of the best comic book video games ever, its prequel comic is awesome too.
For those that don’t know, Injustice details a feud between Batman and Superman and the different factions of DC heroes that come flocking to each side.
Superman in this story is the true and blue villain, no ifs ands or buts. And it’s fascinating to see the so frequently depicted gentle-giant that is Clark Kent, has little reservations in what he’ll do to get what he wants.
Batman on the other hand has formed a sort of rebel insurgency to fight against Superman’s tyranny. This comic is a callback to Snyder’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” but it’s also a great series with a lot of DC heavy-hitters to satisfy that group team-up craving.

Justice League: Origin
This comic is a great start for those more unfamiliar with reading them. “Justice League: Origin” is just quite that, a rehashing of the origins of the Justice League of America cut and centered for “The New 52” in 2011 when the DC comic universe was set at a blank slate.
This run written by Geoff Johns is the jumping-off point for this new universe and seems to be one of the main inspirations behind the plot of the Justice League movie.
And though Johns has recently come under fire for racist and abusive allegations by Ray Fisher himself on the set of Justice League, Johns did make a cohesive and well-summed up justice league comic.
In “Origin” the JLA heroes come together for a team for the first time, with new founder Cyborg and long-time member Green Lantern who had been absent from the “Snyder Cut.” If you’re itching for some good old-fashioned teamwork and parademon butt-kicking this comic is your best bet.

Superman: Red Son
Zack Snyder likes to explore the more gritty parts of the Superman mythos. What does it mean to be one of the most powerful people on the planet? What kind of damage do you do? How does this reflect on the world?
Well lucky for most DC universes Clark Kent wouldn’t hurt a fly if he didn’t have to, a sweet and kind farm boy from Kansas most of the time he’s fighting on the side of good. But what if Superman hadn’t been raised as such? What if instead of crash-landing in a cornfield in the Midwest Superman was raised in the Soviet Union?
Published in 2003, written by Mark Millar, “Superman: Red Son” is a “what if” alternative to the classic superman story, where his Clark Kent persona never existed, and superman instead was used as a political and tactical weapon in the Cold War by the Soviets.
It’s a fascinating spin on the red and blue apple-pie guy we all know Superman to be, and it plays with historical figures and aspects of the era like Stalin and the Warsaw Pact. For those fans looking to dive deeper into the politics of the superpowered, this is the pick for you.

Cyborg: Rebirth
Cyborg was no doubt given the short-stick in the theatrical cut of Justice League, with most of his most emotionally driven scenes cut from the film. In the “Snyder Cut,” he’s been redeemed as has been referred to by Zack Snyder as the “heart of the film”.
Hopefully, Cyborg gains some new fans after Ray Fisher’s proper live-action debut, and there’s no better place for Cyborg fans to start with his comics than “Cyborg: Rebirth”.
Cyborg didn’t receive his own solo run in the comics until 2015, despite having been a longstanding member of the Teen Titans as well as one of the rebooted founders of the Justice League in DC’s “The New 52” revamp in 2011.
For his rebirth run follow Victor Stone as he struggles with his man and machine abilities as a pivotal member of the JLA and a central figure in the DC universe.

The Darkseid War
Besides Cyborg fans the other winners watching the “Snyder Cut” were no doubt longtime Darkseid lovers. He’s more than the DC equivalent of Thanos, in fact, he’s probably stronger than his purple Marvel counterpart, and in the comic-book run, he’s here to prove it.
Darkseid first showed up in DC’s comics in the early 1970s and has proved to be more than a nuisance to the heroes of Earth and beyond ever since. He’s an all-powerful evil space-overload who’s basically on a crusade to get rid of all hope in the galaxy. He means business.
In the “The Darkseid War” arc of the New 52, Darkseid has come to wreak havoc on the Justice League team with Anti-Monitor, another big-time DC villain that few in the universe want to tackle, let alone at the same time as Darkseid.
“The Darkseid War” is the last big hurrah before DC comics took a shift into its 2016 comic book rebirth, and feels like a finale on the scale and even beyond Marvel's “Infinity War.” Hopefully, fans will be able to see something of its scope on the big screen one day.

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
The Teen Titans have yet to make a team appearance in the DCEU, so far we’ve only seen Cyborg in the on-screen roster, and a hint at most probably dead Dick Grayson, but the “Snyder Cut” did give us one of their most iconic enemies. Deathstroke.
Slade Wilson, the most feared assassin in the DC universe who plays usually as an adversary to the Titans or Batman in the comics, was played by Joe Manganiello in the two end-credit sequences.
And though he might have only appeared on screen for less than five minutes, the outfit and the hair and really everything about him was enough to start some hype.
While there are a few Deathstroke solo series of note that you should also check out if you’re a fan, Deathstroke’s most iconic storylines often coincide with his shenanigans with the Teen Titans, and none more so than his storyline in 1984’s “The Judas Contract”.
In this run Deathstroke brings havoc to a firmly settled Titans team, he breaks them apart from the inside with fitness and skill and some pretty adorable betrayals, and this story also brings more of Wilson’s family life to the viewer.

The love for JLA has been waning in recent years, at least on the big screen but that by no means diminished the impact that they’ve had on the comic book world or its fans since their inception.
The most iconic superhero group out there, the Justice League was finally given its dues in the “Snyder Cut” and luckily fans of the movie have enough passion and drive to keep the DCEU going.
But while you’re waiting for more content from the DCEU hopefully these comics will tide you over, and maybe even encourage you to look for more.
Image courtesy of howtolovecomics.com.