mbarking on the journey of moving to an unfamiliar place during the most transformative years of your life is something everyone should experience at least once. The 20’s are a crucial time for discovering who you are at your core, and making some amazing friends along the way. What you experience during this time can shape the trajectory of your life so it is important to research which city will provide you with all that you need (and more) in order to live your best life!

Today we will go over:

  • How to choose the best city for you 
  • Why living in different cities are important 
  • Our top picks

Choosing Where To Put Your Roots 

Careful consideration goes into planning a big move especially if you want everything to go well— who doesn’t though? Before you put that deposit on that apartment with a gorgeous view of the city, there are a few things that you should consider to make sure that the city is the right match for you. 

It’s All About The Money

The first one being: money. The cost of living varies from city to city all around the world and it is probably the number one factor that requires a lot of reflection. Conduct some in-depth research on how much rent (or buying) will cost along with necessities such as groceries, healthcare, and even taxes. Once these factors are reviewed, you can determine whether or not your budget can comfortably handle living in the city for an extended amount of time.

Opportunities Galore! Or Maybe Not…

Do you have a job lined up or will you purchase that one way ticket and hope that fate has something good in store for you? If you plan on going with the second route, we admire your bravery! But approaching the situation this way may cause you to end up in a bad position. Research (again) what the job market is saying in regards to your profession or one that you desire and plan on pursuing. If the job outlook for your desired city isn't looking too bright, consider looking into other cities. Moving when there are minimal opportunities can make your life more difficult in the long run so being proactive now can save you some time and money! 

Overall Quality of Life

Reflect on the lifestyle that you have and if the city will be able to fulfill that for you. Thinking about aspects such as safety, climate, local culture, and more is very important before making the leap. You deserve to live somewhere that will make you feel fulfilled and content, so putting in the extra work now will have future you thanking you! To focus on culture more, exploring the communities within the city before moving can help you see if it is possible to connect with anyone there. With your lifestyle in mind, look online to see what communities resonate with you and if there are groups for expats then that's even better! Socializing with diverse populations can broaden our perspectives and make our journey much more colorful. 

Group of people sitting together on the beach.
When in places that feel unfamiliar, reaching out and connecting with others can give you a sense of belonging. 

Future Goals  

With all of these elements already in mind, add your future plans into the mix. These goals can consist of starting a family (fur-babies are valid), advancing in a career, or pursuing an education. Ensure that the city you would like to move to is a supportive environment that will allow you to achieve your goals. 

Moving Is Motivating

While moving to a new area can be stressful for a variety of reasons it can also mean having a plethora of new opportunities at your doorstep! Whether you are moving for professional or personal reasons, you are bound to find something that will help you advance along your chosen path. Since cities are known for being dense in regard to diverse populations, connecting with people from different backgrounds is an illuminating experience. Life is all about connecting with others so soak up these opportunities to do so! You’ll be able to learn more about yourself as you get to know others as well. 

Because moving is not just about relocating but also about growing as an individual, it can serve as a source of motivation. Perhaps you are moving for a job, education, or someone you love, regardless of the reason moving (at the core) is all about you! It is the perfect time to switch up your style or how you approach life without worrying about seeing a familiar face that may judge you, or you think that they will. Don’t let this prime opportunity slip away, it is your time to be who you want to be and achieve anything! 

Our Top Picks

1. San Francisco, California 

Colorful houses next to each other. 
These Victorian and Edwardians style houses are wildly popular due to their gorgeous pastel colors. 

If you have seen The Princess Diaries or Full House then you are probably familiar with the City By The Bay! It is rich in diverse cultures that come together in the form of entertainment, exquisite cuisine, and opportunities. Silicon Valley is relatively close to the city so if you are interested in a profession involving technology then this might be the place for you. 

Pros: City and surrounding areas are aesthetically pleasing, public transportation is easily accessible, and there are a variety of cultural attractions. 

Cons: Overall cost of living is very high and the city is in an earthquake prone region.

2. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

 aerial shot of a city next to a river. 
The Steel City and The City of Bridges both refer to the historical and industrial qualities. 

Can this city that is full of interesting history become the champion of your heart? What better place to discover yourself than Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! The sports culture is a huge part of the Burgh’s identity along with the universities scattered about the area. Carnegie Mellon, Pitt University, and Duquesne University are home to students that travel far and wide to attain an education from these excellent schools. 

Pros: Relatively affordable cost of living, numerous prestigious universities, up and coming on the tech scene. 

Cons: Weather is unpredictable and high taxes. 

3. Miami, Florida 

Aerial shot of a beach next to a cityscape. 
The Magic City has plenty of tricks up its sleeve including a unique coffee culture for our coffee enthusiasts. 

Turn that spring break trip into a full blown lifestyle! Miami is home to hundreds of thousands of people that too wanna soak up the sun and do whatever they can to have some fun. If these are things you like to do (most likely yes) then finding like minded people can be easier than ever! 

Pros: Bustling nightlife, tropical climate, and plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities. 

Cons: High cost of living, higher crime rates in certain areas, and risk of tropical storms. 

4. Dublin, Ireland

Cobblestone street with brick buildings. 
Since the area is one big tourist attraction, the cost of living can be somewhat high. 

The capital of Ireland is known for its pubs filled with Guinness and its music—both pre-recorded and live. Compared to cities such as Miami that have a high energy approach to everyday life, Dublin can match that but in a more unique way. Spend your days strolling down cobblestone streets and your nights singing your heart out with locals. 

Pros: Lots of nature within and surrounding the city, high ranking colleges, friendly locals!

Cons: Weather is on the gloomier side and can host lots of tourists. 

5. New York City, New York 

Aerial shot of skyscraper buildings. 
Calling the Big Apple your home might mean living in a tiny apartment but experiencing the culture will be worth it! 

The city never sleeps nor do the people inhabiting it. This means that at any time of the day there is something going on that you can go to or experience. While New York City is very crowded and at times unsafe, there are endless opportunities to grow as a professional (and personal too of course). 

Pros: Teeming with opportunities and entertainment. 

Cons: Housing shortage paired with a high cost of living and pollution.

6. Seattle, Washington 

 A cityscape next to a mountain in the distance. 
Caption: The Space Needle is arguably Seattle’s biggest tourist attraction bringing in over 1.3 million visitors each year. 

The world is changing and Seattle is changing along with it, but in a diverse and inclusive way of course! People of all walks of life reside in the city that has the perfect blend of skyscrapers and nature. It is a city that pushes for environmental sustainability and for all cultures to be expressed freely in some form or another. It may have a high cost of living but if you can make it work with your budget, we can assure you that you will have endless opportunities and places to explore!

Pros: Fresh seafood to be enjoyed for days and days. 

Cons: Homelessness crisis and gentrification of long-term residents. 

7. Madrid, Spain 

Pastel colored buildings. 
Try not to get lost walking along the streets of Madrid that almost resemble a maze. 

Just looking at the beautiful architecture of Madrid can make anyone's heart sigh in awe. Imagine this, you just finished eating tapas with a glass of sangria to wash it all down. Now you are strolling along the picturesque streets to visit a nearby museum- this could be a typical Saturday for you. 

Pros: Diverse community on an international scale. 

Cons: Noisy nightlife and extreme heat. 

We know just how difficult it can be to know who you are in your twenties. Once you find the right environment to grow, you will be able to blossom. We hope that our top picks have helped you on your journey!

Main image courtesy of Visit the USA.

Apr 12, 2024