t may seem that coronavirus has completely ruined the opportunity to date, when in actuality it is all the more reason to expand your horizons and either come up with creative ways to continue to date the partner you are currently in a relationship with, or to meet new people and learn how to get out of your comfort zone. In a time of social distancing and quarantines, dating can be overwhelming, but it shouldn’t have to be. In this article, the following will be covered:
- Dating during a pandemic
- Don’t forget that it’s possible to date during tough times
- Change up your dates
There is a rise in online dating from sites such as Tinder and Bumble, as well as an increase in people talking over video chats. This may be a shift from the usual ways of dating that you are used to, but can be beneficial. For example, take advantage of these opportunities to get to know your potential partner better before meeting them in real life. Then when you do meet, you will have a better idea of not only what they look like, but their personality and just who exactly they are as a person.

Dating during a pandemic seems unlikely, but there are ways to get through and succeed
Social distancing can actually strengthen relationships
There are advantages to dating during a pandemic, and finding the rainbow in the storm is just one. An immediate ice breaker is one of the benefits of dating during the time of coronavirus. You have something to talk about right from the get go, and can learn about what that person you are getting involved with feels about the whole COVID-19 situation. You can tell if they are in the same boat as you, whether that be that they are struggling with income, psychological problems related to the virus, or are just downright worried and scared at the state of the world.
This makes it easy to form an immediate bond during times of stress. This may come as a surprise, but when people are thinking about the fleeting nature of their lives, they are more likely to be vulnerable and open up to one another.
Surprisingly, there are less barriers to forming a close bond. It is even more likely that you will want to have a conversation, since you have been lacking person to person contact for some time. This can be done with the many available video platforms as well as over the good old fashioned phone.
With the impossibility of meeting new prospects in person, it means that meeting new people over video chats is the norm. This pandemic allows people to have more meaningful conversations and talk more in-depth to fewer people, whereas before, it was often the case that people would spread themselves thinner over a larger number of possible people they were interested in.
In true “Love is Blind” fashion, dating in separate rooms can become a new normal. Not only that, but when the pandemic has ended, you may even decide that you like FaceTiming with one another so much, that you continue this out of pandemic and quarantine rules. Talking to people through various video chats such as WhatsApp and FaceTime can become not only completely necessary, but also useful in more ways than one.

It’s possible to date during tough times!
The wonders of technology allow for these tough times to become easier, coronavirus and all
Phone and video communication can become the outlet that people use to get close to one another, even if it isn’t physical closeness. Social distancing can mean physical separateness, not a lack of social interaction. In the case of coronavirus, it may seem difficult to get close to someone new that isn’t immediate family, but it is possible with the variety of available resources. The opportunity may arise for you to meet someone new remotely, and this can offer a new perspective.
Dating apps allow people to meet without having to be physically in the same space. Then, dates can take a creative turn, cooking dinner for one another through FaceTime, spending time together watching a movie remotely, or enjoying conversation and a cocktail over the phone. These apps can take on a whole new meaning and perspective with the need to meet people at a distance. Then, when the regulations are lifted on social distancing at six feet and remaining apart from people, it can be even more exciting to meet face to face!
Notes in the mail are one way that the old can become the new. In the “olden days” this was a normal way of courting, but it has since fallen out of fashion. It is as good a way as any to communicate and share personal details with one another. Also, sending gifts to one another is a thoughtful and meaningful way to progress a relationship, while getting personal and even pretty serious. Additionally, you can find out a lot about how a person handles difficult situations and whether they are good under stress in this difficult time-- just one other way that a relationship can progress rather quickly.
Another fun way to spend time with a new prospect is to play games over video chat, such as 20 questions, charades, or games that help you get to know one another, like Never Have I Ever, or two truths and a lie. These interactive games that may usually be played in a group can become intimate and not only pass the time, but also give insight into each other's lives. When you are playing what may seem like frivolous games, you can form deeper bonds, and gain insight not only into each other’s lives, but about your own self as well.
Even during the difficulties of coronavirus, it does not mean that social relationships have to suffer, and dating can be all the more successful. These are the times when we need each other the most. Meeting new people can provide not only support, but a distraction from the outside world of turmoil and distress. Seek fun relationships that may lead to something more serious in the future. There is no better time than the present to invest time in each other.

Expand your dates for a change of pace, and make dates fun and exciting
It may seem more difficult, but you can stretch your brain and come up with fun, creative ideas
There are many activities that were possible before pandemic and quarantine life began that are just not plausible now. On the other hand, some activities can be tailored to living within a six feet apart distance, as well as over the world of video chats. One idea is to go on walks six feet apart, or bring a skateboard or bikes to maintain a safe distance. This activity can be enjoyed while staying a safe distance apart.
Another idea is to watch Netflix together-- but apart, with a free extension known as Netflix Party, or even just click the button at the same time to make sure you are watching in synchronicity. You can chat together over the app, or text to each other sharing details of what you like about what you are watching.
A virtual date night can be fun-- where you cook yourself a nice dinner and light a candle over video chat à la Love is Blind. There are many possibilities to do activities six feet apart: hiking, going on a run, FaceTiming while doing a live workout on Instagram or YouTube, buying the same puzzle and working on it together over video chat. Then in the evening, cook dinner either together over video chat, or order takeout from the same place so not only are you supporting local businesses, but also eating the same food together. Bake together but apart, and get competitive with it. Video chat while baking and see whose banana bread comes out looking nicer and tasting even better.
Dating in difficult times, especially during a pandemic, is something that may seem unprecedented and impossible, but that is not the case. With some creativity and a little bit of extra effort, it is all the more exciting and doable.