Breakups are hard enough on their own. Throw in social media and they become ten times more complicated.
Years ago, before social media was the all consuming entity it has become today, breakups were hard, but more simple in a way. You and your partner would break up and that’d be it. It’d simply be over.
Nowadays, that is no longer the case. On social media, many of us document nearly every area of our life. That includes our relationships. Therefore, peoples’ social media are often filled with cute couples photos, both on their own and their partner’s account. This is what complicates the breakup process.
Now, when you break up with someone, you have to deal with all the pictures and reminders of that person on your social media. Many people ultimately choose to delete these photos as it can be difficult to look back on them after a break up.
However, that doesn’t mean that it hurts any less when your ex deletes you from social media. Especially if you had been dating that person for a while, the breakup was a surprise, etc. That being said, there are many coping strategies to help you deal when your ex deletes you from social media. Read on to find out more.
First, Evaluate the Situation
When an ex deletes you from social media, it is important to first evaluate the situation at hand. In order to best evaluate the situation, think through your relationship, who your ex partner is as a person, and why they felt it important to delete pictures of the two of you from their online accounts. Doing so can help you:
- Confront your breakup
- Not obsess or overthink
- Find the positives

Confront Your Breakup
When an ex deletes you from social media, look at it as an opportunity to confront your breakup. In other words, make an effort to accept the breakup and to reframe your headspace towards moving on past the relationship.
This is easier said than done, however it is an important step to take. Hanging onto a past relationship will only hurt you more. Maybe one day you and your ex will find your way back to one another, but at this moment the relationship has ended and the first step in your healing process is the acceptance of this.
In order to help you move on, try unfollowing your ex. Additionally, check out these tips to help you stop checking your ex’s social media account.
Try Not to Obsess or Overthink
It can be very painful if an ex deletes you from social media, especially if the breakup was recent and your feelings are still fresh. That being said, try your best to avoid obsessing or overthinking.
Your ex deleting you from your social media was more likely about them rather than you. They likely had trouble looking at pictures of the two of you together being happy. Try not to spiral and immediately jump to the worst conclusions as it will only worsen your hurt feelings.
In general, try to avoid checking your ex’s social media page after breaking up as it inhibits the healing process. This will also help you to avoid obsessing over pictures deleted from their account of the two of you.
Find the Positives
Breaking up with your partner, and then subsequently finding yourself deleted from your ex’s social media, is a difficult and painful experience. However, there are still positives to be found.
For example, an ex deleting you from social media can often unintentionally jumpstart the healing process. Your ex deleting pictures of the two of you essentially opens the door for you to move on from the relationship.
Additionally, the breakup of a relationship is often sad, but it can also be an opportunity to grow as an individual. Ultimately, this growth as an individual ends up being a very large positive in your life.
Coping Strategies to Deal with A Breakup in Which Your Ex Deletes You From Social Media

After your ex deletes you from social media, it is often official that the relationship is over. After breaking up with your partner, you may feel lost. It can be hard to know where to start and how to begin healing.
The truth is, there is not one specific way to go about healing. The best you can do is just put one foot in front of the other, try to live your life, and eventually you will feel okay again. It just takes time. Let’s look at some coping strategies to aid in your healing process.
Talk the Breakup Through With Someone You Trust
One of the best ways to cope with a breakup is to talk through the situation with a trusted individual. This could be a family member, a close friend, a therapist, etc. Essentially, sometimes all you need is for someone to listen.
This can help you work through your emotions, feel comfort in this trusted individual’s presence, and ultimately allow you to move on.
Allow Yourself to Feel Your Feelings
Another extremely important step in the healing process is to allow yourself to fully feel your feelings. This can seem like a daunting task because many of these feelings are likely unpleasant and painful to work through. However, without doing so you cannot truly heal.
If the task seems like too much to do on your own, consider seeking out help from a mental health professional. This can be a really good way to work through your breakup, the emotions you experienced in the relationship, and the emotions you have experienced since the relationship ended.
Do Activities That Take Your Mind Off the Breakup
An important coping strategy is to distract yourself from the breakup. Constantly fixating on your old relationship will never allow you to move on. The less and less you fixate on the relationship and subsequent break up, the more likely you are to heal in a shorter amount of time. There are a number of activities you can try in order to achieve this goal.
Exercise is one of the best ways to get a natural dose of endorphins. Endorphins are the chemical responsible for making us feel positive emotions. Therefore, exercise is a great way to improve your mood after a breakup. Exercising can take many forms through activities such as:
- Yoga
- Running
- Weight lifting
- Stretching
- Endurance training
- Bike riding
- Walking
Start a New TV Show
For many people, TV shows are a great way to take their mind off the real world. This escape from reality can be just what you need after a recent breakup. You can either start a new TV show you have not yet seen, or you can turn to your favorite comfort show for solace. Either option is sure to help.
Take Up a Hobby
Another way to take your mind off of a breakup is to instead commit your time towards learning a new hobby. If there is ever something you have always really longed to try, now is the time to do it. Maybe you have always wanted to learn to sew your own clothes or make your own art. Whatever it is, give it a try!
Surround Yourself With Friends And Family
After a breakup, it is extremely important to surround yourself with those you love and who love you. A support system is essential in the healing process of a breakup. Simply having people to lean on, laugh with, and cry with makes all the difference.
Additionally, sometimes when we are in a relationship we can experience a disconnect with our friends due to simply not having enough time to commit to them. After a breakup is the perfect time to reconnect. It is also important to evaluate how, going forward, you can more evenly divide your time between your romantic relationship, friendships, and familial relationships.
Things Will Get Better

Breakups are extremely tough and being deleted by your ex on social media seems to add insult to injury. However, it is important to look at the situation as a growing process. As we’ve discussed, there are positives that come with an end of a relationship.
Sometimes bad situations occur in order to clear the way for the positive times ahead. It is important to remember that you are strong enough to get through this tough time. Things will get better.